Learning to use your art, living with it, thinking color, shape and purpose can be very exciting. I hope I can share some ideas with you so Decorative Art can become a lifestyle, your lifestyle. When this happens, others around you can also experience the joy, and the feeling it radiates. You don't necessarily need to be a decorative artist yourself. You may be a collector of the art who enjoys living with and using this beautiful art form.
Living with my art is exciting for me, my family and my guests. How neat it is when someone comments...tell me about this piece... just to have someone notice and feel its presence. However, there are always those that never notice. The joy of seeing is for them lost. Don't miss the beauty around you.
Another Nook In My Bedroom
I had a long narrow space next to a cabinet on the wall in my bedroom. When this painting came back from an exhibit it just fit and the colors were right. Sometimes it is meant to be and this is one of those pieces.
A Cozy Reading Area
I recently moved the furniture around in my bedroom. I aways enjoy a cozy spot to read, in the afternoon or evening. The little tea table give me a place to have my coffee near by. The protrait above my bed was done by Elizabeth Pruitt a number of years ago. Look closely and you will probably see some more painting as well.
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A Corner in Lynnae's Bathroom
Lynnae recently redid her bathroom so I just took a shot of a corner where she had some decorative art.
My Trip to Texas
My trip to Texas gave me an opportunity to photograph some painting in both Dave and Harla's home. I love using old prints to paint on or decorate on the matt surrounding the painting. This one at Dave and Amy's is a large framed piece in a very small room and it looks wonderful there. They call this their meditating room. It is a room with 2 big comfy chairs with an ottoman between them and a table with a lamp. It is a wonderful place to read, listen to music, study or just take a nap.
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On To Harla's House
She has prints too. These are both in guest bedrooms. The print always dictates what subject I paint on them as well as the colors I use. It is always exciting to be stimulated by what is around you.
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Among The Plants
Harla and Ronnie both love their plants and many times she uses them as backdrops with her displays. My goodness this is a very old piece. In fact it is an old wooden bowl that really sucked up the paint. I remember that even though it was painted back in the mid late 70's. There is also a little drop leaf table back behind the sofa that was painted many years ago as well.
Touching Your Art
Everyone loves to touch the art. Why not put your small pieces where they can be looked at more closely, even picked up. I am always looking for a new way to show off my painting. My son-in-law, Ronnie made these minature pieces from prints of my original paintings.Picking them up makes it easy to look more closely.
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More Ideas To Display Leaded Glass Collections
Because of the loop on each of these pieces makes it easy to hang them either around your neck as a necklas or on the wall. Being creative is exciting. What do you see and how do you see it.
Fun with Old Enamel Spoons
I really got excited when I found these old spoons. I could hardly wait to paint them. I didn't find them all at the same time but I love using them together in arrangements. I did this arrangement in the fall with real red apples. The taller, the skinner the glass vase the better and what a compliment the bittersweet made with the color shape and texture. I sometimes get as excited putting everything together as much as I do the painting.
Another Look At The Apple Spoon
Here it is laying on a decorative board painted with apples. My table in the garden room is black and my dishes are black white and yellow this time They all make a striking contrast used together. A clear glass compote setting on this painting and filled with apples or maybe an apple salad would also be good. Once you really start using your ideas they will begin to roll in more often. Enjoy your painting
How About This Arrangement
I am always wanting to try something different I used a glass battery case and sliced some lemons, oranges and limes for fall colors. I was looking to add a painting somewhere so I stuck the spoons in the waters. Had lots of comments on this. It was fun.
Changing Seasons
New displays in my home when seasons change are one of the first things I do.Sometimes completely new and sometimes just dressing up an area. Like my big swan. I just dolled her up and she loved it.
A bow, some bittersweet and holly and then some candles. You couldn't miss her when you came into the room I call that Living Art.
A Touch of Christmas in the Bedroom
Among my regular pieces, frames etc. I added touches of painting saying Christmas such as the ornaments on the top of the chest. Of course I always like lights. The light pulls you in with attention.
Take A Closer Look.
Take a closer look . Can you see the ornaments loving on the photos of my great grandchildren?
Back To The Kitchen and Spoons
Always fruit for Christmas. I have this beautiful white open wire basket filled with fruit. It needs painting so guess what, my spoons worked again. Behind the fruit hangs a Paper Tole House Blessing given to Harold and I many years ago , 1977, by Nancy Cozad. She and her husband Bob both worked for us in the Village Tole House and later became third partners. Great memories and treasure's.
Mary Jo Leisure
103 E. 6th St.
Pleasanton, KS 66075
Phone: (913) 352-6706
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