Welcome to my website. So glad you have come to visit. Please feel free to open each window and enjoy.
I am looking forward to spending more time with you on my website. I will gradually be changing a lot...pictures, writings, etc. In fact I am planning to put more original art for sale here. Please message me if you have questions or email me at mjleisure@ckt.net .
Announcing the Newest Online Class

Also available now is the class, Discovering Color. I show you how I brush mix the colors I use in my artwork. This is a wonderful class to see how to brush mix, creating the colors, correcting a color, and how to make it all work together in a design.
There are also video tutorials and painting tips. I plan to add more to this page in the future.
Oil Painting Expressions Session 8

New to Oils? Oil Painting Expressions makes it easy to learn! Watch and paint along with the short tutorials in the Oil Basics Brush Ups Series, included in your subscription, covering topics like surface preparation, blending, leaves, flower petals, shapes, gold leafing, varnishing, and much more. Already an accomplished oil painter? Then you can pick up some valuable oil techniques to add to your skillset.
Visit OilPaintingExpressions.com and find out more.

Mary Jo Leisure
103 E. 6th St.
Pleasanton, KS 66075
Phone: (913) 352-6706
E-Mail: mjleisure@ckt.net
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